Subscribe to Amiga Active

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Credit Card Subscriptions

Credit card subscriptions to Amiga Active Magazine can now be taken in the following ways:

When telephoning or e-mailing us, you will need to give us the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your card details
  • A contact phone number and/or e-mail address

Current Prices

Current subscription rates for Amiga Active are as follows (prices in Pounds Sterling):

            6 months     12 months
    U.K.     �29.90       �55.90
  Europe     �36.00       �72.00
   World     �39.00       �78.00

Additional payment options

We can also accept payment in the following forms via post:

  • Sterling cheques drawn on a UK account (accompanied by a valid cheque card number)
  • International Money Orders in Pounds Sterling.

If you wish to subscribe by post (including a cheque, international money order or credit card details), either pick up a copy of the magazine and use the form inside, or download and print out this plaintext subscription form, fill it in and return in an envelope with your payment to the following address:

   Amiga Active Magazine,
   Systems House,
   3-11 Spring Road,
   BH1 4PZ.
   United Kingdom.

If you have any questions relating to subscriptions, please email